Yes, it is possible to block a specific application within the Apple App Store. Based on what I found, there are a few considerations & multiple ways to do this:
The Apple App Store application itself is a mix of unencrypted traffic running over TCP/80, along with SSL over TCP/443. Luckily for us, the App Store transports the actual file over tcp/80, which makes it easy to detect and block!
From here, it's a simple matter of disrupting traffic that matches that URL.
I found the URL by doing a quick search in my URL Filtering logs:
Now that we know the specific package name of this download, we can create a custom vulnerability (IPS) signature that matches this string. I'm sure that apple has hundreds or thousands of servers/IP addresses out there - so matching on the hostname and/or URI path isn't recommended. The best way to control this will be to focus on the package filename itself.
My vulnerability signature is very simplistic. It performs a pattern match for "mzps3704126155036248224\.pkg" in the http-req-uri-path context. (We have to escape the period "." in the filename as it can also be used as a regex function)
You can download the custom signature in Palo Alto Networks IPS format here: vulnerability_41022-osx-mavericks-dl-2.xml
Import that signature under Objects / Custom Objects / Vulnerability (assuming you don't have a signature # 41022... if you do, change the entry name in the XML file before importing). This signature is configured with Severity=Informational and Default Action=Alert.
Import this into your firewall and test. It should fire off an alert each time you download OS X Mavericks. Once you've had a chance to test it, you can change the action of that signature to Reset-Both and re-test.
And here's the user experience when a user clicks "Download" in the App Store:
This seems pretty straight-forward and I'm guessing you can do this in a URL filter, secure web gateway, IPS system, etc.
3/9/2014 - added a 2nd pattern to the XML for the 10.9.2 package filename: mzps4135638417199433253.pkg