Restoring a Time Machine backup from a Drobo Mini

Monday, June 30, 2014 at 11:26 AM

Time Machine is great, for the most part.  You turn it on and it keeps stuff backed-up.  The full system restoration part?  Not so easy... at least for my Macbook Pro. 

tl;dr = USB 2.0 cable ftw

Here's what I tried and the outcomes:

Thunderbolt:  Nope.  When you boot up in recovery mode (Command-R), it won't see the Drobo Mini.  

USB 3.0:  Nope, it only partially works.  I could get the recovery process to 4% or 5% and then it would hang indefinitely.  How do you know if you're using USB 3.0?  The inside of the connector will be blue, and the Drobo-side of the cable connector will have a hump.  

USB 2.0/1.0: Works great.  Yes, it's 2014, but who cares?  When it comes to a full system restore, reliability trumps performance every time.  I was able to get a full system restore with just one try using an old USB cable.

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